Articles from the world of Wow!

The Wow! New Edition series continues!

13. March 2025

Once again, we’ve taken your comments from actually working with the materials on board as our inspiration. The result? Wow!Silver New Edition.

We test the way we teach!

26. January 2024

Stress-free and in a fun and effective way.

Wow!Bronze New Edition is out!

9. January 2024

Based on valuable comments and feedback from teachers we published a new edition of the popular Wow!Bronze for primary school pupils in 3rd grade (aged 8-9) called Wow!Bronze New Edition

How we coped with distance teaching

30. October 2020

After talking to the teachers that use Wow! materials, we chose the most interesting comments about distance and online teaching, and the challenges involved.

References from Wow! teachers from all over the world

3. September 2019

The Wow! materials are being used by schools and teachers all around the world. Here is their experience:

How to teach English vocabulary – Part 1: Flash cards – learning words the fun way

2. May 2019

Are you thinking about how to effectively teach children new words? ake some inspiration from these examples with flash cards from the Wow!English method. You can make everything you need on your own!

Four ideas how to practise English with children

15. April 2019

Want to practise English with your children at home too? Here are some tips how to go about it. These are used by a mother of four-year-old Oliver, who mostly likes the videos on Wow!English TV.

Augustin Bernard: Songs for Wow! have to be happy

13. March 2019

Wow!English melodies are very, very catchy. Every note is filled with positive energy and puts you in a good mood. How are they written and who comes up with them?

She started at the age of four and learned Chinese through English at twelve

7. February 2019

Tereza was one of Steve’s first pupils. She began learning at the age of 4 and her parents now consider the decision to be one of the best they could have made in terms of their daughter’s education.


The interactive My Wow! portal really is worth a visit. There are plenty of fun videos with Steve, Maggie and Bobby and our application for Android and iOS means that you can play videos anytime and anywhere, without any adverts. Super, isn't it?