
Wow!Bronze New Edition materials are designed for teaching English to children of between 8 and 9 years of age. Find out everything you can look forward to with our materials below.

Video material

Video stories and video songs are the core part of the child’s set. Access to video stories and video songs is guaranteed from any device online using a voucher with a one-time activation code after registering at


Each and every pupil receives his or her own colour workbook with activities that are tied to video stories and video songs and in which a picture dictionary familiarises them with new vocabulary in a way which is simple and playful, but always in context, and which offers up the possibility of fun homework tasks: connecting work with the workbook and watching the video at home.


Parts of the Teacher´s Pack

  • Workbook + video material 

  • Teacher´ s Guide
    Basic information about Wow! materials and the Wow!Method, as well as instructions on how to use them in your English lessons.

  • 90 Flashcards
    Beautifully-created flashcards that symbolically stand in for a particular object are ideal for use at all 4 key stages. To make it easier to find your way around, topics are written in the colour of the series and the name of the lexical structure is written at the bottom to ensure gradual familiarisation with the written form of English (whole word recognition). 

Online Materials for Teachers

  • Teacher’s Book
    A fundamental book in which recommended lesson plans are provided, the lyrics to songs, vocabulary, language and grammar structures for individual lessons, a list of activities recommended for a particular lesson and the numbers of the flashcards to be used in that lesson. 

  • Game Bank
    A clearly arranged online collection where you filter the required game according to the set criteria, with a description and a video that demonstrates the game.
    All activities are comprehensibly described, with a list of the accessories and materials required, incorporation in Key Learning Stages and the lexical grouping under consideration. 

  • Wow!Academy
    An education portal where all courses available to teachers can be found. Registration is easy (much like setting up an e-mail) and is linked to the e-mail that you receive from us.  

  • Class Book
    The Class Book further develops work with the video materials, fixes the vocabulary intoduced, and makes it easier to remember the language structures covered. A printed version can also be purchased.

  • Tests
    A book of tests designed to test and assess pupils' progress in all language skills (including Speaking) through individualised and differentiated tests. It includes a description of the testing and assessment methodology, a collection of tests and keys, pictures for the Speaking tests, etc.


Additional materials

  • Maggie glove puppet
    The ideal assistant in teaching English to the youngest pupils, a “Language Hook”.

  • Printables/additional materials
    Black and white pictures and coloring pages reflecting gender and racial diversity, picture dictionary with self-assessment, bonus exercises, complete lesson plans on holidays (Easter, Christmas, Halloween), etc.

Do you want to know more?

Get one whole unit from the Wow! series for one month free-of-charge, try it in your class and experience the Wow! effect for yourself!

Sign up at MyWow! by clicking below.



The interactive My Wow! portal really is worth a visit. There are plenty of fun videos with Steve, Maggie and Bobby and our application for Android and iOS means that you can play videos anytime and anywhere, without any adverts. Super, isn't it?